Finding The Money

This important film is coming to the UK middle to late July.
Register your interest and be notified of a screening near you.

Finding The Money

An intrepid group of economists is on a mission to instigate a paradigm shift by flipping our understanding of the national debt — and the nature of money — upside down.

We all use money, and yet the questions of what is money, and where does money come from remain elusive.

FINDING THE MONEY follows former chief economist to the Senate Budget Committee, Stephanie Kelton, on a journey through Modern Money Theory or “MMT”, to unveil a deeper story about money, injecting new hope and empowering democracies around the world to tackle the biggest challenges of the 21st century: from climate change to inequality.

Although dealing with the USA, the film tells the story of money creation in all currency-creating countries including in the UK.

Find out more…

Certain screenings will also include Q&A with Stephanie Kelton

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